Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Right Way of Thinking - Bucket List

For those of you who know me, I have spent a lot of time doing work in the right side of my brain and helping others to do the same… This is the creative side of your brain and it is also the area of the brain where we are able to solve problems. When we engage the right side of our brains, amazing things happen and we see things in a whole different light, so each week I take you on a new adventure, into the land of right-brain thinking. Come on, and play along!

Today we’re going to do a “Story Completion” ARTsignment. It's a fun way to use the right side of you brain! This allows you to create a story. It’s not about writing and it’s not about words. It’s about letting your imagination create a picture of what YOUR “TO BE” BUCKET LIST means to you! So, let’s get going!

MY “TO BE” BUCKET LIST invited me to dance. My first thought was _______________, and then I realized that ________________. MY “TO BE” BUCKET LIST then said, “__________________” and we began to dance. Our dance was like ____________________. MY “TO BE” BUCKET LIST leaned over and whispered, “__________________”. I finally understood that ________________.

What did you uncover about your “to be” bucket list? I LOVE this Story Completion exercise! It’s one of my favorites! I hope you had some fun with it!

I’d love to hear what you uncovered about your “to be” bucket lists. Please share your findings below.

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